Ancaster Fairgrounds
Move-in information
Please read and follow the show set-up, and move-out instructions below to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Ancaster Fairgrounds
630 Trinity Rd S, Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0
Do not come earlier. We will not admit vendors prior to the times listed below.
Friday, May 9. 8am-4pm
Saturday, May 10. Doors will open for vendors at 9am.
Friday, May 9. 4pm-9pm
Saturday May 10. 10am-4pm
You can check-in at the front entrance of Marritt Hall to get your booth number.
The link for directions to the Ancaster Fairgrounds is at the bottom of this page.
-If you have not arrived or called us by 2pm on Friday you run the risk of your space being given away. If this should happen, no refund will be given.
-Please have all packing materials put away no later than 15 minutes before doors open.
-Please move your vehicle away from the load-in doors immediately after unloading or loading to make room for the next vendor.
-Please do not idle your vehicle while loading/unloading.
Tables and chairs are provided. They will be placed in your booth. Chairs can be returned to carts and tables can be left upright in your booth.
*The only way that 2 Ancaster tables can fit within a 10x10 space is parallel to each other. It would leave a 5-foot wide aisle space for you and your customers to be in.
You are welcome to bring your own tables. You can select your table requests on the application.
There is free parking. Please move your vehicle to an area away from the close spaces to allow our visitors easy access to the show. This will help them have a more pleasant experience. Happy shoppers spend more money.
-Keep your display and yourself within the confines of your allotted space.
-No cardboard shipping boxes are to be visible in your space.
-Only juried items will be allowed to be displayed & sold.
-Vendors will be responsible for removing their trash at the end of the day. (There is a garbage area located on the East side of the Concession Building parking lot.)
-Tables must be covered to the floor on all sides. Remember they are 8' tables. **PRO TIP: A queen-sized flat sheet will cover the table.
-Please keep all signage professional looking.
-Hydro is available ONLY if pre-ordered ($20 + tx)
-There is wifi. Password for Concession Building is AFGvendor. Wifi is open in Marritt Hall.
-If you have a 10x5 space you may have 1 staff member (in addition to yourself) during the show. If you have a 10 x10 or larger space you may have additional staff during the show. Bear in mind all staff, including yourself and your display must fit within your allotted booth space. If you have a tabletop space, we don't recommend having any staff.
-If your customers are picking up pre-orders they do have to pay admission. But they get to enjoy the whole show!
Begins at the close of the show: Saturday, May 10th at 4:00 pm.
Move-out is through the utility entrances only. Please do not load in or out through the front lobby.
Do NOT start packing up before 4:00 pm. To do so puts you at risk of not being invited to participate in future shows.
Move-out is from 4:00 pm. to 6 pm. All items, displays, and trash must be removed no later than 6 pm.
If you said "yes" to donating an item to our door prize, THANK YOU!
Please have it ready for us during set up so we can get the display table set up before all the customers arrive.
We use the raffle to gather client information so we may target our(your) advertising money effectively among other things.
Last but not least, please TEXT either
Jackie (905-516-9678) or Carrie (289-925-6968)
by 8 am on show day at the latest if you are not going to be at the show. Not knowing before that really hurts the layout of the show and therefore your fellow vendors.